Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Let's Make a Deal!

Earlier in the month, George in Santa Maria warned us how near we all are to the Death of American Democracy. His letter to the editor prompted a few comments and a reply also published on the Opinion page.

That response, as best I remember it, strongly conveyed the idea that the Democrats as a Party want out of Iraq at pretty much any price. I don't recall if there was any "questioning of Patriotism," but there most assuredly was a question or two raised about people's judgment.

Betty took exception to that reply. From her letter to the editor, published yesterday:

The recent letter writer of "Democrats as appeasers" owes the "Constitution is in Crisis" letter writer a huge apology.

The Constitution letter writer is a Korean war veteran who sustained considerable permanent injuries in combat. He has certainly earned the right to express his views about this administration's policies or anything else without being ridiculed and disrespected.

How dare anyone name-call and castigate this Democrat and others as cut-and-runners and appeasers! Painting a picture of Democrats with a broad brush of yellow is cowardly and patently unfair to the large number of Democratic servicemen and women who have served in the past and continue to serve in the military, many of whom have been left with horrendous disabilities or have been killed.

Thank you George for your military service in defense of the United States and her interests in Korea. Thank you for the willing sacrifice of your youth.

Betty is right that George has earned the right to express his opinion (though frankly, we are all entitled to our opinion on this issue and others as citizens of this country). That however is not a free pass. For George or for the leadership of the Democrat party.

When the writer says Democrats are the ones to avoid defending our country in a national crisis, one is reminded that some current, high-profile Republicans ran and hid behind privilege during the Vietnam War. Cheney took five or more deferments. Bush was a no-show for an annual military physical, and Karl Rove and other neo-cons did not serve. Have any of their children stepped up to serve?

Betty, the Chickenhawk argument is one of the least persuasive arguments going. What does it have to do with a war in Iraq? Are you willing to live in a society run only by people in the military or with military experience? Are you sthat'shats something you want?

What George Bush's daughters have or haven't done has no bearing on whether the war in Iraq should or shouldn't have bfoughtught, whether or not the transformation of that country and region ought to continue or end.

When someone says Democrats only criticize the war in Iraq and President Bush without any ideas on how to handle America's problems and the war, one wonders what that person is listening to and reading. Perhaps a broadening of news sources is in order!

Well, yes we could re-deploy to Okinawa and that would get us out of harm's way for sure. It would do nothing about changing the dynamics in the region however but would force the question of whether or not Iraqi Democracy survives or is destroyed before it gains a sufficient hold among the population.

I will presume that Betty is old enough and recalls the effects of America's pulling out of Vietnam. I imagine she recalls the days of a disheartened military, of Jimmy Carter's "malaise" and the emboldening of a fanatical Iranian regime that bothers us still today.

Would a premature withdraw from Iraq have similar effects? I don't know...I'm not sure anyone knows with ultimate certainty. I fear though that it would create a vacuum in the region, one that Iran would gladly fill, one that would further embolden a regime that is already feeling it's oats in a drive for regional hegemony. And that is not at all a good thing, for Iraq or for us.

Is that what you really want Betty?

There is too much information being missed, distorted or ignored! Deliberately demonizing Democrats is destructive.

Here I offer a counter-point. Bill Clinton called it the Politics of Personal Destruction. I would point out to Betty that George W. Bush--whether you care for him or no--is still the sitting President of the United States and everything the Right was told about respecting the Office of President while it was occupied by Clinton still applies.

Perhaps Betty and I can make a deal. When the Democrats quit referring to the President as chosen and not elected, when they stop calling him a liar, a crook and an imbecile I'll gladly stop questioning the judgment of Democrats on issues of National Security.

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