Monday, June 20, 2005

What is real torture?

This is the difference between real torture and the characterizations of things such as Abu Ghraib and Gitmo. It's copied here in it's entirety because it deserves reading:

Marines on an operation to eliminate insurgents that began Friday broke through the outside wall of a building in this small rural village to find a torture center equipped with electric wires, a noose, handcuffs, a 574-page jihad manual - and four beaten and shackled Iraqis.

The American military has found torture houses after invading towns heavily populated by insurgents - like Falluja, where the anti-insurgent assault last fall uncovered almost 20 such sites. But rarely have they come across victims who have lived to tell the tale.

The men said they told the marines, from Company K, Third Marines, Second Division, that they had been tortured with shocks and flogged with a strip of rubber for more than two weeks, unseen behind the windows of black glass. One of them, Ahmed Isa Fathil, 19, a former member of the new Iraqi Army, said he had been held and tortured there for 22 days. All the while, he said, his face was almost entirely taped over and his hands were cuffed.

In an interview with an embedded reporter just hours after he was freed, he said he had never seen the faces of his captors, who occasionally whispered at him, "We will kill you." He said they did not question him, and he did not know what they wanted. Nor did he ever expect to be released.

"They kill somebody every day," said Mr. Fathil, whose hands were so swollen he could not open a can of Coke offered to him by a marine. "They've killed a lot of people."

From the house on Saturday, there could be heard sounds of fighting from the large-scale offensive to eliminate strongholds of insurgents, many of whom stream across Iraq's porous border with Syria. [Page 10.]

As the marines walked through the house - a squat one-story building of sand-colored brick - the broken black window glass crunched under their boots. Light poured in, revealing walls and ceiling shredded by shrapnel from the blast they had set off to break in through a wall. Latex gloves were strewn on the floor. A kerosene lantern lay on its side, shattered.

The manual recovered - a fat, well-thumbed Arabic paperback - listed itself as the 2005 First Edition of "The Principles of Jihadist Philosophy," by Abdel Rahman al-Ali. Its chapters included "How to Select the Best Hostage," and "The Legitimacy of Cutting the Infidels' Heads."

Also recovered were several fake passports, a black hood, the painkiller Percoset, handcuffs and an explosives how-to-guide. Three cars loaded with explosives were parked in a garage outside the house. The marines blew them up.

This is Mr. Fathil's account of his ordeal.

He was having a lunch of lettuce and cucumbers in the kitchen of his home in the small desert village of Rabot with his mother and brother. An Opel sedan pulled up. Two men in masks carrying machine guns got out, seized him, and, leaving his mother sobbing, put him in the trunk of their car.

The drove to the house here. They taped his face, put cotton in his ears, and began to beat him.

The only possible explanation for the seizure he could think of was his time in the new Iraqi Army. Unemployed and illiterate, Mr. Fathil signed up after the American occupation began.

But nine months ago, when continuing working meant risking the wrath of the Jihadists, he quit. In all, 10 friends from his unit have been killed, he said. So have his uncle and his uncle's son, though neither ever worked as soldiers.

The men tended to talk in whispers, he said, telling him five times a day, in low voices in his ear, to pray, and offering him sand, instead of water, to wash himself. Just once, he asked if he could see his mother, and one of them said to him, "You won't leave until you are dead."

Mr. Fathil did not know there were other hostages. He found out only after the captors left and he was able to remove the tape from his eyes.

The routine in the house was regular. Because of the windows, it was always dark inside. Mr. Fathil said he was fed once a day, and allowed to use a bathroom as necessary in the back of the house.

When marines burst in, one of the captives was lying under a stairwell, badly beaten. At first, they thought he was dead.

The others were emaciated and battered. Mr. Fathil had fared the best. The other three were taken by medical helicopter to Balad, a base near Baghdad with a hospital.

But he still had been hurt badly. Marks from beatings criss-crossed his back, and deep pocks, apparently from electric shock burns, were gouged in his skin.

The shocks, he said, felt "like my soul is being ripped out of my body." But when he would start to scream, and his body would pull up from the shock, they would begin to beat him, he said.

Mr. Fathil has been at the Marine base south of Qaim since his release, on Saturday around noon. His mother still does not know he is alive.

When she was mentioned, he bowed and lowered his head, and began to cry softly, wiping his face with the jumpsuit given him by the marines.

He asked a reporter for help to move to another town, because it was too dangerous for his family to remain in their house. He begged not to have a photograph taken, even of the scars on his back. The captors took pictures of that, he said.

His town has always been a good place, he said, but the militants have made it hell.

"These few are destroying it," he said, his face streaked with tears. "Everybody they take, they kill. It's on a daily basis pretty much."

Does it sound at all like what Senator Durbin described last week? The good senator would have been fine had he simply stared at the CSPAN camera and said he was uncomfortable with some of the things he was hearing about at Gitmo, like many were (and rightfully so) about the abuses at Abu Ghraib. His analogies to Nazi's, Pol Pot and Soviet gulags did nothing but expose his moral idiocy and open him to attack from anyone with a voice and some historical perspective.

He was wrong. Wrong in his understanding and wrong to open his mouth and make that clear to the rest of us.


Simian Logician said...

Durbin's an idiot, that much is clear.

However, the story recounted in this article is by a living victim of insurgent/jihadist torture. There are several individuals, potentially innocent, who have been murdered in US detention facilities. Christina Aguilera aside, there have been gross violations committed against detainees. Ghost detainees have been kept in which families, etc dont even know where to look for relatives detained by the US...and if they were to die, know would ever know they were in US hands or that they what fate they had suffered. And that's not to mention rendition, in which detainees are taken to third-party countries which commit far worse acts of torture.

I'm all for exposing insurgent/jihadist torture, but it certainly would play better if we were'nt in the same business

Paul Hogue said...

And the examples you gave are precisely what ought to be discussed and debated when this is brought up.

I presume that not even in your attacks on such policies as rendition, that you believe for an instant that what we do, however upsetting, is remotely gulag-esque in nature?

Simian Logician said...

Of course it isn't the same as the Soviet gulags.

But between rendition, Gitmo, the facilities in "the Stans," and elsewhere, the US has erected a largely secret global prison system in which there is very little oversight, where prisoners can be held in perpetuity, and where there are unclear and ever-changing rules. It is into this network that people have disappeared, possibly never to return.

While it would take a generation of this sort of activity to say it's worthy of the Gulag moniker, we straddle a dangerous line in establishing such a network. At the end of the day, the Gulags weren't just prisons or camps. The notion refers to this extended and highly secretive network.

IMO, the absolute worst horrors are the ghost detainees. There is no record of them in US custody and therefore, no way for monitors, Congress or families to provide any remediation or oversight.

We're better than this.

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