Loon factory: Sheehan, Galloway and Moore
At Wednesday's Galloway-Hitchens debate, "Gorgeous" George dared to raise the name of Cindy Sheehan in a predictably vacuous moment of pandering to the slobbering moonbats. He bemoaned the death of Casey, whom his mother had "given" to the war (correction there, GG, he went of his own volition and against his mother's wishes). More on this ludicrous hypocrisy in an upcoming post, but I progress... In any case, such "sinister piffle" should have clarified for anyone with a brain that Georgie's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington moment was his last, best stand. Michael Moore's self-marginalization probably occurred...right....about.....here
The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win.
So whither the matriarch of the loony left, Garden Hat Cindy? Well, I'll give her credit. In trying to hijack the suffering brought about by Katrina for her own purposes she's showing more media savvy than one might give her credit for (Kudos to Quasi-MoDo, who was on to her media savvy from Day One: "a 48-year-old Californian with a knack for P.R." ). But it's only a matter of time before she, too, jumps the shark like Galloway and Moore.
And this post on Moore's website may well make Little Big Horn look like a Custerian phoenix rising from the ashes. I present you with Exhibit A:
People were running out of food and water and they were being forced to go to the Superdome. They didn't want to go to the Superdome, because their homes were pretty intact: they wanted to stay and have food and water brought to them.
Yes, and I would like the government to deliver a brand new Ferrari to my front door. Could there be a clearer summary of where this crowd's head is at than this statement by Ms. Shaheen (hat tip, Gutfeld)? Newsflash, Cind: it was a g_dd__n hurricane! A natural and human disaster of epic proportions. And while I feel your pain; no really, I do, shouldn't individual wants and preferences be trumped by communal needs? Wouldn't the idea be to bring people to the food and water rather than to try to get to remote regions via dangerous and impassable roads? Hello, anyone home? And wasn't the argument that the government abandoned the impoverished black communities? Now which is it? Did the authorities forcibly remove these folks from their homes or were they abandoned because they are poor and black?And this woman took up how much mindspace and airtime? And how many people were hoisting her up as a Crawford, Texas version of the guy in Tiananmen Square facing down the tank?
But wait, there's more. I present you with Exhibit B:
One thing that truly troubled me about my visit to Louisiana was the level of the military presence there. I imagined before that if the military had to be used in a CONUS (Continental US) operations that they would be there to help the citizens: Clothe them, feed them, shelter them, and protect them. But what I saw was a city that is occupied. I saw soldiers walking around in patrols of 7 with their weapons slung on their backs. I wanted to ask one of them what it would take for one of them to shoot me. Sand bags were removed from private property to make machine gun nests.
I probably don't even need to say this, because you're smart enough to undo this sinister piffle on your own, but in case representatives of Moronica are in the hizzy: I thought the deal was that the government didn't do enough? Not enough food, medicine and water? Not enough troops to maintain order? Well, I guess the last part wasn't on Cindy's agenda at all, as we see in Exhibit C:
If I had a store with an inventory of insured belongings, and a tragedy happened, I would fling my doors open and tell everyone to take what they need: it is only stuff. When our fellow citizens are told to "shoot to kill" other fellow citizens because they want to stay alive, that is military and governmental fascism gone out of control.
You're getting this, right? Cindy is careful to say that she would do this only if her goods were insured. Never met a buck she wouldn't pass. I imagine it's easy to overlook that word and the notion that as long as someone pays and it's not her or the looters it's all good. But let's think about this bust-out humanitarianism for a moment, shall we? The people of Algiers (and elsewhere) didn't want to leave. They wanted, nay, expected that food and water would be brought to them. And as they waited...for literally...hours...many decided they just couldn't wait anymore. So they had to loot. They had to bust into FootAction. After all, you could boil the tongue of some Air Jordans if you got the munchies. Meanwhile, if the government treats their exploitation of the disaster as a crime and a form of insurrection, well by God, that's fascism!! Is it then surprising at all that Cindy feels as she does about Iraq? After all, Casey was trying to impose order, deliver food, protect innocents and rebuild. He was such a fascist! He should have delivered the food and then split. Otherwise, he was asking for it. Has this woman ever encountered a brain cell?
Exhibit D:
It is a Christ-like principal to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless.
Isn't Principal Skinner a Christ-like principal? I know, now I'm just toying with her. But seriously, as with Galloway on Wednesday, what are you to do when you encounter this stuff? Like Hitch, this is all I'm left with.
Exhibit E:
If George Bush truly listened to God and read the words of the Christ, Iraq and the devastation in New Orleans would have never happened.
Well, at least it's not Saddam's intransigence at the heart of the Iraq war or nature's fault for Katrina. It's Bush's failure to read the Bible. Pheww. There for a minute I thought she was going to go all Laurie David on us and blame global warming.
Exhibit F:
I don't care if a human being is black, brown, white, yellow or pink. I don't care if a human being is Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, or pagan. I don't care what flag a person salutes: if a human being is hungry, then it is up to another human being to feed him/her. George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power. The only way America will become more secure is if we have a new administration that cares about Americans even if they don't fall into the top two percent of the wealthiest.
She shore don't tawlk like shee's from arouyund heere. Or even Californeeeya. So bottom line with Garden Hat Cindy is that the government is responsible for everything in our lives and that the citizenry bears little if any responsibility for themselves. If disaster strikes, sit on your ass and wait for the Feds to show up with food and water. If they don't get there fast enough, steal from your neighbor, especially if he is insured. That way, everbody wins. You get your chow, the neighbor gets his dough and Cindy, Mike and George's enemies, Evil Corporations (TM) are left holding the bag. Which is what they deserve since they are evil. But when the Feds DO arrive with their medicine and their food and their water and their guns and occupation, make sure you call them fascists.
Or better yet, spring some IED's on 'em like Iraq's minutemen did on Casey.
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